Sand and dust test chamber

Sand and dust test chamber

The equipment, by driving sand and dust of certain concentration flowing over the surface of the test specimens at a certain flow rate with high-power fan, evaluates resistance to dust particle penetration, resistance to sand abrasion or blockage, storage capacity and operability of the test specimens (equipment) exposed to dry sand or dusty atmosphere and also simulates the dust environment of low concentration and low wind speed. 



The equipment, by driving sand and dust of certain concentration flowing over the surface of the test specimens at a certain flow rate with high-power fan, evaluates resistance to dust particle penetration, resistance to sand abrasion or blockage, storage capacity and operability of the test specimens (equipment) exposed to dry sand or dusty atmosphere and also simulates the dust environment of low concentration and low wind speed. It applies to the test of ability of electric and electronic products, automobile and motorcycle parts and components, and sealing elements to prevent entry of sand and dust into sealed box and casing in dusty environment, thereby testing their operation, storage and transportation performance in the dusty environment. The product is designed and manufactured in strict accordance with the technical parameters specified in GB/T2423.37-2006 Test L: Dust and sand, GB7000.0-2007 Luminaires – Hosing IP grade, GB12085.6-89 and other related national standards and simulates the dusty environment for test.

Major technical parameters of sand and dust test chamber








W*D*H (cm)





Work chamber temperature

RT+10°C ~ +80°C; adjustable

Temperature uniformity


Work chamber humidity


Dust composition

Silicon dioxide content of 97-99% (angular silica powder)

Dust particle size

75%: 45um; 15%: 75um; 8%: 106um; 2%: 150um

Spray mode


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