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Chip Testing Chambers

5-15°C / Min Temperature Cycling Chamber Linear Average Speed Easy Operation

A thermal cyling chamber is a test method of rapid-rate temperature change chamber used to test the bearing extent of the material structures and composite material in an instant and continuous high temperature and extremely low temperature environment, which is in the shortest time to test its thermal expansion and contraction caused by chemical change or physical harm. A rapid-rate temperature change chamber is widely used in metal, plastic, rubber, electronics, and other materials, and it can be used as an important reference for improving product quality.


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Stainless ESS Thermal Cycling Chamber Fan Overheat Anti - Dry Rapid Rate

ESS Thermal Cycling Chamber, full name Environmental Stress Screening Thermal Cycling Chamber, are available From 5 to 20°C/min Rapid-Rate Temperature Change. It can be used to test the bearing extent of the material structures and composite material in an instant and continuous high temperature and extremely low temperature environment, which is in the shortest time to test its thermal expansion and contraction causedby chemical change or physical harm.

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Thermal Cycling Test Chamber

Thermal cycling (damp heat) test chamber is made of casing,inner wall,and thermal insulating material. The cooling system is combined by cooling mode and cooler. 

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ESS Stress Screening Thermal Cycling Test Chamber Environmental Friendly R23/R404a

ESS Stress Screening  Test Chamber  in Mentek are available From 5 to 20°C/min  Rapid-Rate Temperature Change .Tests volumes from 150 liters to 1500 liters and Temperatures from -70°C to +150°C.The test chamber can pre-record test programs, so that customers can start test only click program numbers. Standard and custom models meet different requirements. 

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ESS Stress Screening Climatic Test Chamber

During the ESS Stress Screening  Test ,the product are subjected to precisely stressed so that defects in electric components and PCBs can be detected before leaving the manufacturer's plant. Detecting the weak points considerablely improve the robustness of the product because unreliable products are filtered out before they reach the customers and end users.

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Thermal Cycling Industrial Test Chamber Temperature Climatic Test Chamber

Thermal Cycling Test Chamber is a powerful testing method for environmental stress screening.It can effectively eliminate product early failing. MENTEK Air Cooling 5 to 15 °C / minute Rapid - rate Thermal Cycle Chamber can simulate impact on product caused by climate condition change during working and evaluate reliability and durability of a product.  

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15 ℃/M Rapid Rate Thermal Cycling Chamber For Defense Industry Enterprise Testing

MENTEK environmental test chambers  have served a variety of industries, providing our customers with solutions to meet their most demanding environmental testing requirements.  Our customer come from military companies, World Top 500 companies, listed companies, universities, research institutes, laboratories, inspection and testing Institutions, etc. MENTEK should be the most famous brand of environmental test chamber industry in China. We have served over 2000 customers with quality construction and innovative technology.

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Custom Thermal Cycling Chamber 15 °C / Minute For Home Appliance Auto Parts

MENTEK Air Cooling 15 °C / minute Rapid - rate Thermal Cycle Chamber can simulate impact on product caused by climate condition change during working and evaluate reliability and durability of a product. When thermal adoptability of product components is bad or internal stress is quiet large,fast temperature changing test can trigger failing caused by mechanical structure defects. Rapid-rate tempearture change environmental test chamber is a powerful method for environmental stress screening.It can effectively eliminate product early failing.


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High Speed Environmental Test Chamber , ESS Stress Screening Thermal Test Chamber

ESS Stress Screening Environmental Test Chamber  in Mentek are available From 5 to 20°C/min  Rapid-Rate Temperature Change .Tests volumes from 150 liters to 1500 liters and temperatures from -70°C to +150°C. The test chamber can pre-record test programs so that customers can start testing only by clicking program numbers. Standard and custom models meet different requirements. 

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250L Thermal Cycling Chamber 5℃/m Liear Speed Hisense Digital Television

Thermal Cycle Chamber  in Mentek are available From 5 to 20°C/min  Rapid-Rate Temperature Change .Tests volumes from 150 liters to 1500 liters and temperatures from -70°C to +150°C. The test chamber can pre-record test programs so that customers can start testing only by clicking program numbers. Standard and custom models meet different requirements. 


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Military 1000L Thermal Cycling Test Equipment , 15℃/M Thermal Cycling Machine

Rapid-Rate Thermal Cycle Chamber  in Mentek are available From 1 to 20°C/min Temperature Change Rates.Tests volumes from 150 liters to 1500 liters and temperatures from -70°C to +150°C. The test chamber can pre-record test programs so that customers can start testing only by clicking program numbers. Standard and custom models meet different requirements. 

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Fast Temperature Thermal Cycling Chamber 10℃/M Compact 165 Liters 380V 50HZ

Temperature Change Rates for Fast Temperature Cycling Chamber in Mentek are available From 1 to 20°C/min.Standard and custom models meet different requirements. Tests volumes from 150 liters to 1500 liters and temperatures from -70°C to +150°C. The test chamber can pre-record test programs so that customers can start tests only by clicking program numbers. 

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