SUS304 Sand And Dust Test Chamber 512-1500 Liters High Efficieny

SUS304 Sand And Dust Test Chamber 512-1500 Liters High Efficieny

Product Presentation

The purpose of this sand and dust test chamber is to determine the possible harmful effects of particles carried by airflow on electrical products. The test can be used to simulate open air conditions caused by natural or man-made disturbances such as vehicle movement.

SUS304 Sand And Dust Test Chamber 512-1500 Liters High Efficieny


Product Parameter


Model MSDT-512 MSDT-800 MSDT-1000 MSDT-1500
Dimension(cm) 800*800H*800 800*1000H*100 1000*1000H*1000 1000*1500H*1000
Inside Chamber Temperature RT + 10 ℃ -80 ℃ adjustable
Temperature uniformity ≤±3℃
Inside Chamber Humidity

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